Panjpeer Rocks


Panjpeer Rocks:

Panjpeer Rocks is an amazing rock formation stretching over a large area. The rocks are located in the Kahuta district. The place is called PanjPer because locals believe that once five saints came to the area and got settled there. There is a shrine up in the area as well. The plateau, or the ridge of the Panjpeer, is at an altitude of about 1800 meters and gets some snow in winter. Panj peer is the highest point of Danoi Ridge in Kotli Sattian, Kahuta. You can also see River Jhelum from the ridge.

There are two hotels in a small market before the top of Panj Peer. You can stay over there. Not recommended to stay alone; go with groups. People are nice and very hospitable, but it’s a remote place, so being safe is better than being sorry. You can camp at the top if you have a sufficiently large group. Magnificent and anonymous touring place endowed with mountains, rocks, pine trees, valleys, and fountains.

Panjpeer Rocks Location and Map:

Panjpeer is located in a small village, “Narar,” in Tehsil Kahuta, District Rawalpindi. The Village is almost 60 KM from the capital Islamabad in the Southeast. It takes nearly 2.5 hours to reach Narar from Islamabad or Rawalpindi. The whole Punjpeer rocks area is one solid piece. All the mountains and hills are rock solid. The trees, houses, and streams flow over this unique formation. At the highest spot, it is 1775 meters. It gets chilly in winter and snows too.

The place has an amazing rock formation stretching over a large area. The rocks are located in Kahuta Tehsil. It takes about two and a half hours (from Islamabad) to reach the place, followed by a hike of about 40-45 minutes. Panjpeer rocks then cross these giant rocks towards the Lehtrar side, a tough 4×4 off-road for about 5KMs. So it was a round trip, entering from Kahuta and exiting Lehtrar.

It takes about two and a half hours (from Islamabad) to reach the place, followed by a hike of about 40-45 minutes. You can hike up to the ridge, which will take about three hours.

Where is Panjpeer Rocks:

Jeep track (on top) – sedan car & Hatchback max half of the way to top


Perfect for camping at the top/plains. A small hut shop for routine packed food and a tea stall. So, all in all, bring amenities. One can plan a trip to this place and enjoy the waterfall, hiking, and sightseeing of Panjpeer Rocks and the Panjpeer Shrine (famous for the local legend of 5 saints who got settled there) located at there top of the hill.
The top altitude of Panjpeer is approximately 5700 ft from where distant views of Kashmir and Islamabad add to the aesthetics of this place. The attraction points for visitors are a spectacular waterfall, leafy-green streams, dense green forest, rocks, and amazing local flora.

Panjpeer Rocks Height and Elevation:

The altitude of Panjpeer is approximately 5700 feet from where distant views of Kashmir and Murree add to the aesthetics of this place. The attraction points for visitors are the leafy-green streams, dense green forest, rocks, and amazing local flora.

How to get there:

It takes around 2 hours from Islamabad to reach Kahuta by road. After that, a slightly tough hike of 3 to 4 hours is needed to reach the top ridge of the mountain range.

Where to stay:

Camping is the best and most adventurous option but one can also book a room in a rest house in the mountains, which is under the administration of the Divisional Forest Office (DFO), Rawalpindi.

What to do

The beauty and serenity of the 12km path from Narar village to the top of the rock formations are unforgettable because the route passes through magical waterfalls, dense forests, beautiful streams, magnificent peaks, and so much more. You can view the sunset and sunrise while sitting on the rocky plateau of the ridge. A visit to the Punj Peer shrine is a must, where the footsteps of the saints are engraved on the stones.

Panjpeer Rocks Waterfall:

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